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Seyedheydari F, Mostafavi Amjad J, Dehghan niry M. Modeling of the annealing process in the Ag+/Na+ ion-exchanged soda-lime glass . ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2016; 22 :56-59
Abstract:   (3474 Views)

Abstract- Ion-exchanged soda-lime glasses which annealing in the air atmosphere in the process of diffusion during annealing the silver ions behind Fe2+ ions within the glass matrix capture their electrons and cause reduced silver ions to form silver free atoms. Silver atoms aggregate and form the silver nanoparticle in/on the glass matrix. In this paper, we investigated all the results by changing the annealing time. We show existence of silver nanoparticle by AFM micrograph and absorption spectroscopy. Also, we formulate the set of equations describing the formation of silver nanoparticles through reduction of the silver ions in the thermal treated glass matrix in the air atmosphere and solve them numerically.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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