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Day of Light (16 May 2022)

 | Post date: 2022/05/10 | 
The Optics and Photonics Society of Iran (OPSI) in collaboration with the Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS) has organized two special lectures on the occasion of the International Day of Light (16 May 2022): 

Lecture 1

Light, Lasers and the Nobel Prize

Prof. John Dudley
Institut FEMTO-ST, Université de Franche-Comté, France

Thursday, May 19, 2022, 16:30 IRDT (14:00 CEST, 12:00 UTC)


The talk will initially begin at the primary venue, and in the case of exceeding the capacity of the first venue, it will be parallelly broadcasted on the secondary venue.

The UNESCO International Day of Light celebrated annually on the 16 May recognizes the importance of light-based technologies to society, and the many ways in which light science in general gives us an enhanced view of the world around us.  Interestingly, although we often think of technology applications in photonics as being related more closely to engineering than to basic science, the development of the laser in fact traces a path that runs parallel to basic research in many areas of physics, and intersects with the recognition of many of the pioneers of optics through the Nobel Prize.  The International Day of Light in 2022 is an ideal occasion to reflect on the importance of both basic and applied research, not least because this year 2022 is also the United Nations International Year of Basic Science for Sustainable Development.  This talk describes some of the key historical contributions to our modern understanding of light and lasers, and describes some of the background to a number of key Nobel Prizes in these areas.

About Prof. John Dudley 
John Dudley is Professor of Physics at the CNRS Research Institute FEMTO-ST in Besancon, France. His research covers broad areas of optical science and he has published over 500 contributions in journals & conference proceedings and delivered over 120 invited talks at major conferences. He served as the President of the European Physical Society for a two-year term from April 2013- March 2015. In 2009, he initiated and Chaired the International Year of Light & Light-based Technologies 2015 and he currently chairs the follow-up International Day of Light. He was awarded the Harold E. Edgerton Award of SPIE for 2019, and the OSA R. W. Wood Prize for 2020, recognizing his contributions to ultrashort pulse measurements, nonlinear fiber optics, and supercontinuum generation. He has won a number of other prizes and distinctions both for his research and his commitment to outreach and public engagement, and was recently made an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand.

Lecture 2

The Gorgeous Mother Nature: A Few Examples

Prof. Ebrahim Karimi
Department of Physics, University of Ottawa, Canada

Thursday, May 19, 2022, 18:30 IRDT (10:00 EDT, 14:00 UTC)


The talk will initially begin at the primary venue, and in the case of exceeding the capacity of the first venue, it will be parallelly broadcasted on the secondary venue.

Physics is all about Mother Nature, her creations, and dictated rules, where nothing is lacking. “Human subtlety will never devise an invention more beautiful, more simple or more direct than does nature because in her inventions nothing is lacking, and nothing is superfluous,” stated Leonardo da Vinci. Optics gives us the possibility to observe her phenomena with our eyes directly. Thus, it has been a direct way for humans to explore and enjoy nature. In my talk, I will review a couple of optical phenomena, such as parhelion and sonoluminescence, that occur in nature, and the physics behind them. Finally, I will give an example of how optics was used almost four millennia ago in the crafting of mirrors possessing a hidden pattern.

About Prof. Ebrahim Karimi
Prof. Ebrahim Karimi holds the Canada Research Chair in Structured Quantum Waves, and is co-director of the uOttawa Nexus for Quantum Technologies (NexQT). His research focuses on structured quantum waves and their applications in quantum communication, quantum computation, and materials science. His contributions notably include studies pertaining to the relationship between the quantum spatial properties of photons and electrons, and their internal properties. He has published over 160 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals and is a co-inventor on 3 patents. He is currently an Associate Editor of Optics Express, and a Visiting Professor at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light Erlangen-Germany. Moreover, he is a Fellow of the Optica, a member of the Global Young Academy, a member of the College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists of the Royal Society of Canada, Visiting Fellow of the MPL, and a Fellow of uOttawa Joint Centre for Extreme Photonics. For his achievements in structured quantum waves, he received the 2018 Ontario Early Researcher Award, the 2019 uOttawa Early Career Researcher of the Year Award, and the 2020 Herzberg Medal from the Canadian Association of Physicists.

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