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talouneh K, mahmood aghdami K, kheradmand R. Discrete cavity solitons in active lasing medium with kerr nonlinearity. ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2015; 21 :165-168
1- Tabriz university
2- Tehran university
Abstract:   (4552 Views)
In this paper propagation of light through active lasing cavities which form a coupled waveguide arrays and contain Kerr medium is studied using numerical simulation. In this direction, after introducing theoretical model, bistability for homogenous states and their stability are studied firstly, then bifurcation curves of inhomogenous states are obtained after acquiring some bright and dark solitons. Finally linear stability analyzes of various inhomogeneous states are investigated by numerical methods.
Full-Text [PDF 481 kb]   (1311 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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