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Salehi M, Granpayeh N. Simulation of a Plasmonic Power Splitter with Three Taper Dielectric on Metal Sections. ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2017; 23 :293-296
Abstract:   (3171 Views)

In this paper, a new plasmonic power splitter with dielectric stripes on a metal surface is proposed and simulated. Wave at optical frequency in input silicon-plasmonic stripe waveguide enters a taper section, couples to two adjacent tapers with their tips in opposite direction and goes to output waveguides of the splitter with acceptable loss. This device is broadband due to implementation of taper sections. Using the silicon-metal interface and therefore excitation of the plasmonic mode has resulted in smaller size of the device comparing to a non-plasmonic power splitter with a similar design. Output stripes could be out of silicon or another dielectric material with different refractive index. In this way such a power divider could be useful in connecting other plasmonic devices such as a silicon waveguide to a Mach-Zehnder modulator, consisting of two phase polymer plasmonic modulators.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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