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ghargh P, Kaamel Jahromi I, Abbasi B, Hatami M, Agha Bolorizadeh M. Design and Simulation of Gain-Guided Semiconductor Laser Beam Shaper with Aspherical Surfaces for Collimating and Uniform Intensity Distribution. ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2016; 22 :5-8
Abstract:   (3475 Views)

When diffraction effect is not important, geometrical optics can be used to design laser beam shaper. In this shaper a system including two aspheric lenses  is adopted to change gaussian intensity distribution into a uniform one. The basic principles of design is the same input and output  power and conservation of optical path length. In this paper, an elliptical divergent laser beam generated from a 980 nm gain guided laser diode with 40&mum of astigmatism and divergence of 4 is used to create a circular beam of divergence angle 0.26 mrad. In this design a uniform output intensity beam of 2 mm in spot size is obtained. This configuration, as compared with the published methods, enables the reduction of optical elements resulting in a miniaturized optical system

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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