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Sepehri Javan N, Rouhi F. Investigation of Optical Properties of Thin Slab of Graphite Nanoparticles Doped in Silica. ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2017; 23 :609-612
Abstract:   (2865 Views)

In this article, using Maxwell-Garnett theory, permittivity of a thin slab of silica containing graphite nanoparticles inclusion are obtained for two different orientation of basal plans.  Transmission, reflection and absorption Fresnel coefficients are obtained for the normal incidence of electromagnetic wave. Also, effects of parameters like slab thickness and nanoparticle separation on these coefficients are studied and it has been shown that in some cases reflection coefficient can be approximately zero in visible spectrum area which makes it suitable for antireflection slabs application.

Full-Text [PDF 502 kb]   (857 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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