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sabatyan A, gharbi S. Generation of double linear foci with a novel linear Fresnel zone plate. ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2016; 22 :576-579
1- urmia university
Abstract:   (2838 Views)

Abstract Idea of phase shifted Fresnel zone plate is presented for the first time. Impact of this phase shifting on the focusing properties of this element is studied, and it is demonstrated that by shifting the phase, two parallel linear beams are generated at focal plane. These two lines as propagating, form a Non diffracting line-shaped beam at a given distance from the focus. Intensity profile of the generated linear beam was studied by simulation and all results are completely verified by experiments. It is shown that the profile remains unchanged as it is propagated.

Full-Text [PDF 423 kb]   (828 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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