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Faghihi M J, Tavassoly M K, Bagheri Harouni M. Position-Momentum Entropic Squeezing of a Three-Level Atom Interacting with a Bimodal Cavity Field. ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2014; 20 :113-116
1- Yazd University
2- University of Isfahan
Abstract:   (5326 Views)
In this paper, the interaction between a type three-level atom and two quantized radiation fields is studied. The fields are simultaneously injected in a bichromatic cavity surrounded by a Kerr medium. By applying a canonical transformation, the explicit form of the wave function of the considered physical system is analytically evaluated. Finally, position-momentum entropic squeezing is examined.
Full-Text [PDF 519 kb]   (1203 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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