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nadjary H, movahedinejad H. Investigation SPR’S red shift for Au/Cu nanoparticles using simulation of absorption spectrum. ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2016; 22 :910-913
Abstract:   (2870 Views)

In this research, absorption spectrum of gold and copper nanoparticles is simulated in water medium. In three different ranges of radii including 1 to 8 nm, 8 to 20 nm and 22 to 60 nm absorption spectrum are produced using Mieplot. In the first range absorption cross section of gold nanoparticles increase without any red shift which shows that first order approximation applies. In the second range 20 nm red shift are seen for SPR’S positions. At last In the third range a 100 nm red shift are seen. For copper nanoparticles in water medium a similar behavior are seen although these nanoparticles are semiconductor

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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