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eshghi H, yasinzade N. A study on the effect of nitrogen doping concentration on photoconductivity properties of ZnO:N thin films grown by spray pyrolysis method. ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2015; 21 :1345-1348
1- University of shahrood
Abstract:   (3220 Views)
Various nitrogen doped zinc oxide (ZnO:N 0, 5 and 10 at.%) thin films were synthesized on glass substrate by spray pyrolysis method. The XRD spectra showed all the grown samples have a polycrystalline nature in hexagonal phase while their preferred growth direction are changed from (002) to (101). These variations together with variations in crystallite sizes are affected seriously on electrical and optical properties, especially their absorbance spectra. A UV- photoconductivity study of these samples showed compared to other samples, the one with 5 at.% impurity has the highest photosensitivity.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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