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Honarasa G, Keshavarz A, Farmani Z. Propagation of Cartesian Parabolic-Gaussian Beams in Strongly Nonlocal Nonlinear Media. ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2014; 20 :1565-1568
Abstract:   (4510 Views)
In this paper, the propagation of Cartesian Parabolic-Gaussian beams in strongly nonlinear nonlocal media is investigated using the ABCD matrix method. For this purpose, an expression for field distribution during propagation is derived and with the help of transmission matrix of strongly nonlocal nonlinear media, the propagation of Cartesian Parabolic-Gaussian beams is simulated in this media.
Full-Text [PDF 534 kb]   (1110 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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