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Yazdani R, Fallah H R, Hajimahmoodzadeh M. Measurement of two wavefronts reflected from the surfaces of a lens by analyzing their interferograms . ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2015; 21 :1005-1008
1- University of Isfahan
Abstract:   (3008 Views)
In this paper we propose a new and efficient method to simultaneously reconstruct two unknown interfering wavefronts. A three-dimensional interference pattern is analyzed and then Zernike polynomials and the stochastic parallel gradient descent algorithm are used to expand and calculate wavefronts. As one of the applications of this method, the reflected wavefronts from two surfaces of a spherical lens are experimentally reconstructed.
Full-Text [PDF 321 kb]   (1502 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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