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Entezam S, Zarifkar A, Sheikhi M H. Dynamic Behavior Modeling and Analysis of Composite Resonator Vertical Cavity Laser. ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2014; 20 :33-36
1- Shiraz University
Abstract:   (7285 Views)
we present a new model for analysis of the dynamic behavior of a Composite Resonator Vertical Cavity Laser (CRVCL) based on the rate equations for carriers and photons. By using the presented model, the light – current characteristic and also the laser transient response is simulated. Our model requires simpler mathematical calculations compared to previous works and give a good visual comprehension of the laser function according to the coupled rate equations. The results of the model are shown to be in good agreement with other analysis methods.
Full-Text [PDF 581 kb]   (1356 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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