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zarei Z, jalali T. Simulation of Left Handed Materials Building Blocks. ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2014; 20 :1205-1208
Abstract:   (5738 Views)
Metamaterials are artificially fabricated materials which exhibit negative permittivity and/or negative permeability. The building blocks of metamaterials are fabricated periodic structures of having lattice constants smaller than the wavelength of the incident radiation. Thus metamaterial properties can be controlled by the design of their building blocks. Most common building blocks of metamaterials are Split Ring Resonators (SRR). In this paper, we simulate a SRR structure that made of a ring of gold with a split in that structure on a substrate of Silica glass using finite element method. The obtained results are shown negative magnetic permeability in design structure which is not available in nature.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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