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Manafi Moorkani A, Jalili S, Mohabbati M. A light-based solution to the Subset-sum problem. ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2014; 20 :949-952
Abstract:   (4030 Views)
There are many NP-complete problems in computer science, so far the polynomial-time algorithms for their solution are not provided. In this paper, we simulate the subset-sum problem using optical elements. The idea of solving this problem is based on the properties of the light frequency. In this approach, the sum of all subsets of given set are generated using the frequency shifter. Finally, the problem has solution when the light gets out has the frequency equals to the sum of frequency of the primary beam and a given number S. To solve this problem the time and resource complexity is in order of polynomial.
Full-Text [PDF 435 kb]   (1112 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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