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Sepehri Javan N, Mohammadzadeh H, Hashemi S H. Nonlinear Modes of a Propagating Circularly Polarized Laser through a Hot Magnetized Plasma. ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2014; 20 :593-596
1- University of Mohaghegh Ardabili
Abstract:   (6732 Views)
Non-linear interaction of an intense circularly polarized laser pulse with magnetized hot plasma is investigated in the quasi-neutral approximation. Non-linear equations for a Gaussian profile laser intensity are achieved. After deriving non-linear dispersion relation, variation of dispersion relation, group velocity and cut-off frequency with respect to physical parameters such as laser intensity, temperature and kind of polarization are studied numerically.
Full-Text [PDF 638 kb]   (1455 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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