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Golshan M, Hatami Kamin F. Effects of photonics frequency on the entanglement between circularly polarized electromagnetic fields and π-electrons in graphene . ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2014; 20 :537-540
Abstract:   (5504 Views)

Entanglement is the most important tool in the theory of quantum information processing. In such applications it is crucial to generate and control the entanglement. A candid material for this is the π-electron in graphene. Thus, in the present article we report the entanglement between π-electrons and circularly polarized photons in graphene. Our calculations show that the degree of entanglement between the π-electrons and photons is much sensitive to the photonic frequency: As the photonic frequency increases, up to the resonance, the entanglement increases, while beyond the resonance the effect is reversed. We also present the physical resonance behind the behavior.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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