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Jafari Z, Emami F. Optimum Designation of a Highly Nonlinear Silicon Waveguide with Ultra-flat Dispersion for Nonlinear Applications. ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2014; 20 :481-484
1- Optoelectronic Research Center, Electrical and Electronic Department, Shiraz University of Technology, Shiraz, Iran
Abstract:   (4725 Views)
A silicon waveguide is proposed in which dispersion value and its variation is effectively reduced over bandwidth. Dispersion tailoring is performed by tuning the structural parameters of the waveguide. Group velocity dispersion is varied between very low values of -1.1 and +3.3 ps/( over an approximately 350-nm bandwidth for an optimum structure. Because of ultra-flat group velocity dispersion profile, higher order dispersions are also very low. Real part of nonlinear parameter for the optimum waveguide is 355.6 (W-1m-1) at 1550 nm. Therefore, a good balance between nonlinearity and dispersion is provided that makes the waveguide applicable for highly efficient implementation of nonlinear functions in 1.55-µm wavelength range.
Full-Text [PDF 468 kb]   (1427 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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