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Abbasi S P, Goudarzi M, Mahdieh M H. Optimization of AlGaAs-QWs for high Power Diode lasers at 800nm. ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2018; 24 :381-384
1- Physics Faculty Iranian university science and technology
Abstract:   (2099 Views)

- In designing an AlGaAs diode laser, by selecting different aluminum content and varying quantum well width as active layer. The laser can be operated in optimum condition in any specific wavelength, if optimum values for aluminum content and well width are selected. In this paper, the optimum conditions for laser diode operating at 800nm was investigated. The maximum optical power and minimum threshold current are criterions for optimization process. In our design, the practical semiconductor material growth limitations and optical damage threshold were considered. Finally the optimum quantum well width and aluminum content were found to be 10 nm and 0.085, respectively. In such condition, the threshold current of 545mA and optical power of 2450mW can be achieved.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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