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Aeenehvand M E, Behrouzinia S, Khorasani K. Pressure dependence of the small-signal gain and saturation intensity of a CuBr laser. ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2018; 24 :521-524
1- Azad University, science and research branch
2- Fotonics and quantum technologies research school, nuclear science and technology school, AEOI
Abstract:   (2216 Views)
A pair of copper bromide laser in an oscillator-amplifier configuration was used to investigate the small signal gain and saturation intensity as amplifying parameter and output power of lasers ,versus pressure of buffer gas, It is shown that the amplifying parameters  and laser output power have a maximum value at optimum buffer gas pressure of 11 Torr.Thus an optimum delay time of about 10 ns is determined, and a maximum output  power equivalent to about 12 W is extracted.
Full-Text [PDF 450 kb]   (643 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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