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Azarakhshi A, Ahmadi Kandjani S, Nikniazi A. Surface Plasmon polaritons excitation based on Azo-polymer and polycarbonate gratings coupling method for biosensing applications. ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2017; 23 :325-328
Abstract:   (3056 Views)

In this work high-performance grating coupled surface plasmon resonance sensor based on DVD grating and SRG grating is proposed. A polycarbonate surface gratings obtained from commercially available DVD-R stampers and azo polymer are used as substrates and are coated with silver and aluminum thin films. We fabricate SRG on the surface of an azo film by lloyd’s mirror setup .Also the effect of metallic thin film on the reflected signal are studied.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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