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Mansouri M R, gholamhosseini S, Mohammadi A, khodaparast S. Simulation of modulation bandwidth in InAS/InP quantum dot lasers by using circuit-level modeling. ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2014; 20 :213-216
1- Islamic Azad University lamerd branch
2- University of Guilan
Abstract:   (6198 Views)
In this paper, we present a circuit model of quantum dot lasers (QDLs) based on the rate equations. The simulation results show that effect of size fluctuation (due to inhomogeneous broadening) and carrier relaxation on the modulation bandwidth of the laser are taken into account. Slow carrier relaxation from the excited-state to the ground-state limits the modulation bandwidth to ~8GHz even for high model gain. We found that reducing size fluctuation increases the modulation bandwidth at low operating current but the maximum saturated bandwidth is limited to 8 GHz. Besides, we found that the modulation bandwidth strongly depends on the energy separation between the ground and excited states.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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