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Saberian N, Akhtarshenas J. The Comparison between Fully Entangled Fraction and Quantum Discord in Remote State Preparation. ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2017; 23 :141-144
Abstract:   (2811 Views)

The fully entangled fraction can be used to characterize whether a quantum state in a d*d system can be used to teleport an unknown d-dimensional quantum state faithfully. Regarding the similarity of remote state preparation and quantum teleportation, a natural question is: Whether fully entangled fraction can be used as a resource for remote preparation of a known state? In this paper, we address this question and show that although both fully entangled fraction and quantum discord have similar behavior with respect to the fidelity of remote state preparation, it is not the case in general. Moreover, we show that there exist states for which fully entangled fraction have better behavior with respect to the quantum discord.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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