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Mobashery A, Panahi E, Manoochehri S. Modal Discrimination in a Laser Resonator by means of Internal Phase Grating to Produce 20th Order Super-Gaussian Mode as Fundamental Mode. ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2017; 23 :493-496
Abstract:   (2450 Views)

Abstract- Producing desirable modes in a laser resonator as a fundamental one and eliminating other modes is common in designing laser resonators to extract more power from gain medium. High modal discrimination achieved by designing a resonator consists of a mode-selecting mirror and an internal phase grating. In this research, we simulate a resonator with a mode-selecting mirror and an internal phase grating by Mathlab software. By this method, higher order modes are eliminated and 20th order Super-Gaussian mode is produced by mode selectingg mirror and remain with minimum loss. By comparing 20th Super-Gaussian and TEM11 modes, optimal frequency for phase grating is obtained by simulating these two modes propagation in resonator.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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