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ghanavati nejad M, ghrrashi M B, Zahedifar M. Comparison of solar cells made from irregular needle-like Tio2 nanotube pattern with Tio2 nanoparticle coated by Dr.Blade method. ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2017; 23 :801-804
Abstract:   (2826 Views)

In the present study, irregular needle-like TiO2 nanotubes developed through anodization on Ti layer substrate deposited on the FTO by sputtering method and also TiO2 nanoparticles coated by Dr.blade method which was deposited on the FTO were compared in the form off dye-sensetive solar cells (DSSCS). Ti deposition process was carried out by sputtering method for 6 hours for deposition of 2.200 µ thickness on FTO. Next Tio2 nanotube developed through anodiztion in 120 V voltage to produce irregular needle-like nanotube pattern. Then anodized samples were annealed in 450 temperature. Also Tio2 nanoparticle deposited on FTO by Dr.Blade method, weree annealed in final 550 temperature after several heating. In this research XRD, AFM and SEM analysis were used to evaluate thee samples.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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