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حمایت مالی از انجمن اپتیک و فوتونیک ایران
جلد 22 - مجموعه مقالات پذیرفته و ارائه شده در بیست و دومین کنفرانس اپتیک و فوتونیک ایران                   ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS سال22 صفحات 957-954 | برگشت به فهرست نسخه ها

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seyyedi M, rostami A, rostami G. Influence of Temperature, Geometry and Density of Nanoparticles on Composite Cladding Fiber. ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2016; 22 :954-957
URL: http://opsi.ir/article-1-1105-fa.html
seyyedi maryam، rostami ali، rostami ghassem. Influence of Temperature, Geometry and Density of Nanoparticles on Composite Cladding Fiber. مقالات پذیرفته و ارائه شده در کنفرانس‌های انجمن اپتیک و فوتونیک ایران. 1394; 22 () :954-957

URL: http://opsi.ir/article-1-1105-fa.html

1- Aras International Campus, University of Tabriz
2- university of tabriz
چکیده:   (2804 مشاهده)

 In this paper, composite cladding optical fiber is used. Assuming that the emission of electromagnetic waves in the waveguide occurs by total reflection rule, negative Goos-Hanchen shift in the optical fiber for different forms of nanoparticles of different wavelengths and temperature simulated by MATLAB software. As a result, prolate ellipsoid nanoparticles are drawn with the least penetration depth. So the impact of changes in the density of nanoparticles in negative and positive Goos-Hanchen shifts as well as changes in the density of nanoparticles as a selected sample have been investigated per P and S polarized wavelengths. Finally, the dispersion curves and cut-off frequency of the composite cladding optical fiber has been described and it has been found that by changing the density of nanoparticles cut-off frequency mode can be controlled.

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نوع مطالعه: پژوهشي | موضوع مقاله: تخصصی

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