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Alizadeh A, Mahdavi hezave M. Design and Simulation of all optical Amplitude Demodulator based on Electro Magnetic Transparency (EIT). ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2016; 22 :152-155
1- BONAB university
Abstract:   (3244 Views)

All optical amplitude demodulator based on electromagnetic induced transparency (EIT) has been presented in this paper. The data signal, modulated on the phase of optical pulses by using self-phase modulation (SPM) using a nonlinear medium. The phase modulated data transmitted by optical waveguides like optical fibers. Received optical pulses with phase modulation, have been used as coupler laser for receiver EIT demodulator. Designed demodulator have been used laser with a specified phase as probe laser. Dependence of transparency of EIT medium or refraction index, to phase difference of probe and coupling laser have been proved. Phase difference between probe laser and coupler laser determine the refraction index of EIT medium. the intensity of transmitted probe laser from EIT medium will be depend on received signal phase, which is proportional to the amplitude of signal before applying to SPM non-linear modulator.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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