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Matroodi F, Tavassoli S H. Simultaneous LIBS and Raman spectroscopy by a single laser pulse and a common detection system. ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2014; 20 :133-136
Abstract:   (6889 Views)
In this paper, a set-up for simultaneous recording Raman and LIBS, has been designed. By partially focusing the laser pulse on the sample surface, Raman scattering and atomic and ionic emissions from the plasma created on the sample were collected and recorded by an Echelle spectrograph and an ICCD detector. For low laser energy, only Raman signal appears. By increasing the laser energy above the breakdown threshold, LIBS signal is detected. Recorded spectra show a large self-reversal in main calcium lines positions.
Full-Text [PDF 687 kb]   (1456 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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