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shojaei far M, fazli azar E, ansari M A, mohajerani E. Measuring muscle oxygenation during exercise by using functional near-IR spectroscopy(FNIRS). ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2014; 20 :1073-1076
Abstract:   (4898 Views)
- The value of muscle oxygenation is an important parameter indicating the physical fitness of athletes, so the type of physical activities to reduce injury can be determined by measuring this parameter. Functional near-IR spectroscopy (FNIRS) can be applied to measure the hemodynamic signals of biological tissues. In this study, we use FNIRS to measure the muscle oxygenation. The muscle oxygenations of four people (three normal persons and one person with heart disease) are determined by FNIRS during walking and running and also the recovery time of their blood signal are measured.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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