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Serajmohammadi S, Jahanara M, Mehdizadeh F, Alipour-Banaei H. Designing Optical Decoder Based on Photonic Crystals. ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2014; 20 :1261-1264
Abstract:   (38132 Views)
In this paper we proposed and all optical 1 to 2 decoder switch based on photonic crystal ring resonator and nonlinear Kerr effect. The proposed structure has 2 input ports namely bias and logic input ports. The 1 to 2 decoder has two output port which can be switched ON/OFF using the logic input port. For designing and simulating the proposed structure we employed numerical methods such as plane wave expansion and finite difference time domain methods.
Full-Text [PDF 496 kb]   (1900 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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