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Sharifi S, Dadras S, Shahshahani F. Non-linear refractive index and absorption coefficient measurement of carbon nanotubes.. ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2016; 22 :412-415
1- Alzahra University
Abstract:   (3204 Views)

In this research, we used carbon nanotubes which were synthesized by Nickel and Cobalt catalists and CVD method. We used Z-Scan technique to investigate the non-linear refractive index and absorption coefficient. In this technique, we used the second harmonic of a continues NdYAG laser with a wave lenghth of 532 nm and an output power of 60 mW. Measurements show that the synthesized carbon nanotubes have negative refractive index. Also the synthesized sample with nickel catalyst has greater non-linear refractive index and absorption coefficient compared to the synthesized sample with nickel and cobalt catalysts.

Full-Text [PDF 604 kb]   (1185 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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