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Saberi M, Roknizadeh R, Bagheri harouni M. Theoretical Study of Quantum Entanglement Dynamics in a Photosynthetic Dimer System. ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2015; 21 :801-804
Abstract:   (3823 Views)
Abstract- In this paper, a new analytical approach for the dynamics of excitation energy transfer and quantum entanglement in a photosynthetic dimer system is presented. In this approach, the protein environment is investigated as a phonon bath and the coherent representation is investigated to display of their states. The exact analytical expressions for the population of two pigments and their quantum entanglement is obtained. It is shown that numerical results have a good matching with the experimental results for both limits of weak and strong electronic coupling at cryogenic and physiological temperatures.
Full-Text [PDF 456 kb]   (1048 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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