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kheirkhah M, ghanaatshoar M. Design and simulation of almost polarization/angle insensitive electromagnetic wave absorber based on meta-material structures. ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2015; 21 :741-744
1- university of shahid beheshti
Abstract:   (3191 Views)
this article presents a study on a microwave absorber based on meta-material structures. The absorber is constructed of a periodic array of a new resonant structure with the thickness of about 1/100 of the incidence wavelength. Simulation results show that the absorber can operate with an absorption peak of 99.5% at frequency of 13.46 GHz given a normally incident electromagnetic wave. This absorber is almost incident polar and azimuth angle independent for both transverse magnetic and transverse electric polarizations.
Full-Text [PDF 387 kb]   (3126 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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