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malek mohammadi M, Ahadi Akhlaghi E, Hajizadeh F. Fabrication of piezoelectric mirror for multiple-beam optical tweezers. ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2017; 23 :449-452
Abstract:   (2872 Views)

Abstract- Optical tweezers are instrument that made by a tightly focused laser beam in which micro- and nanoparticles could be optically trapped by a restoring force toward the laser focus. Single beam optical tweezers have become powerful tools in different areas from biophysics to nanotechnology. However, when multi particles have to be trapped simultaneously and studied independently, multiple trapping beams needed. One of the simplest way aim is to use a piezoelectric mirror. The usage of a piezoelectric mirror with high oscillation frequency in optical tweezers could easily provide linear and multi traps. Here, for optical trapping applications, we calibrate the oscillation frequency and amplitude of a mirror mounted on two low cost piezoelectric stacks in which an electronic circuit optimizes the needed voltage. Our experiments show that, this simple configuration could provide optical trapping of 3 particles, simultaneously. 

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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