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Shahi F, Aref S H. Construction and caracterization of an open loop fiber optic gyroscope. ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2016; 22 :436-439
Abstract:   (3072 Views)

Gyroscopes as accurate devices are able to measure angular position and rotation rate. In this research, an open loop optical fiber gyroscope based on minimum configuration by using single mode fiber was constructed and characterized. To characterize the FOG, two methods including a commercial lock-in amplifier and electronics circuit have been used. The dynamic range of FOG id limited to 15.5 (degrees per second). tThe results show that the sensitivity and bias stability of FOG-1 are 443 (mili volts per degrees per second) and 7.3 (degrees per hour) and also these parameters for FOG-2 are 660 (milivolts per degrees per seconds) and 11.2 (degrees per hour) respectively.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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