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Ganjkhani Y, Tavassoli M T, Hosseini S R, Jafari Siavashani M, Koohian A. Thickness measurement using the extrema of the intensity profile in Fresnel diffraction from a phase step. ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2015; 21 :777-780
1- Tehran university
2- IASBS ,Zanjan
Abstract:   (4212 Views)
In Fresnel diffraction from a phase step, the intensity profile and spacing between its extremum points have a universal dependence on step height and light's incident angle. Therefore, plotting variations of the distances of these extrema versus the phase, provides the phase due to the step and the height of the step with remarkable accuracy. We've applied these plots on experimentally obtained data of diffraction patterns from steps with different heights to measure their thickness, using two wavelengths, 532nm and 632.8nm.The uncertainty of the results is less than few nanometers.
Full-Text [PDF 752 kb]   (1491 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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