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Jafary N A, Fallahi V. Bistatic Scattering Cross Section and Magneto-Optical Faraday Rotation Angle of a Cylindrical Magnetized Plasma. ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2016; 22 :120-123
1- University of Bonab
Abstract:   (2874 Views)

The finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) algorithm has been extended to accommodate nonzero off-diagonal elements in the permittivity and conductivity tensors. The two dimensional FDTD formulations have been developed to study the TE mode plane wave interaction with longitudinally magnetized cylindrical plasma, which resembles both anisotropic and dispersive medium. The radar cross section (RCS) in bistatic scattering, and consequently the Faraday rotation angle are determined with transient solution of problem in the far field. Simulation results show the Faraday rotation angles of over 1.415o for magnetized cylinder made of Nickel with 1.57 &mum radius.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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