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Dorri Dolat Abadi N, Amrollahi Bioki H, Borhani Zarandi M. Synthesis and Characterization of Optical and Electrical Properties of Polyaniline-Platinum Nanocomposite . ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2016; 22 :806-809
1- Yazd University
Abstract:   (3601 Views)

Polyaniline and Polyaniline-Platinum (PANI-Pt) nancomposite are synthesized by chemical routes. Nanostructures of Polyaniline and PANI-Pt were compared. Optical and electrical characteristics of nanocomposites were identified by Uv-Vis, XRD and scanning electron microscope (SEM). From the UV-spectrum the band gap energy (Eg) was deduced. The SEM micrographs of colloidal platinum nanoparticles were spherical, uniform shape in the composite. The current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of the PANI and PANI-Pt nanocomposites were also studied which indicate a significant decreasing resistivity than PANI-Pt after introduction of Platinum nanoparticles in the matrix of polyaniline.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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