Volume 26 - ICOP & ICPET 2020                   ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2020, 26 - ICOP & ICPET 2020: 597-600 | Back to browse issues page

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1- Faculty of electrical engineering, university of Tabriz,Iran
Abstract:   (1318 Views)
Thin-film solar cells have attracted attention because of their flexibility and low consumption of semiconductor material. One of the major drawbacks of thin-film solar cells is their low absorption due to the light passing through the thin layer structure. The use of nanostructures on the surface of solar cells is one of the important tools for increasing the amount of light absorption via light confinement. In this paper, we optimize two structures to enhance light confinement through absorption bandwidth. The first structure contains a thin layer of AZO on a silicon substrate with TiO2 spheres embedded in it with honeycomb arrangement. The second structure has a semicircular layer of hollow cavities with AZO and TiO2 material with honeycomb arrays placed on the Si substrate. We achieved 39%, 28%, and 45% enhancement in photocurrent optimization, in 100nm, 300nm a-Si and 1.5µm c-Si layers, respectively.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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