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Ahangary A A, Karimi E, Khalesifard H R. Perusal of Nonlinear Response and Spin to Orbit Coupling in Interaction of Ar+ Laser Beam with Ag+/Na+ Ion Exchanged glasses . ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2014; 20 :1409-1412
Abstract:   (4697 Views)
Sliver ion exchanged glasses have been irradiated with focused Ar+ laser beam. Polarized microscope images show birefringent properties for the interaction region. In a pump-probe experiment a He-Ne laser beam has been used to monitor interaction region. It has been observed that the interaction region can couples the spin of a circularly polarized light to orbital angular momentum and change the topological charge of the probing beam after interaction. Interaction region acts as permanent spin to orbital angular momentum coupler depending on the absorbed irradiant energy of the pump laser beam. This is a nonlinear process.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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