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Soltani M, Keshavarz A. Simulation of effective factors on detection of interference fringe in laser gyroscope by using the ABCD matrix. ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2017; 23 :505-508
Abstract:   (2681 Views)

In this paper, laser gyroscope and its performance is introduced. Also, the interference of two beams of two opposite directions is simulated by using the ABCD matrix. In laser gyroscopes because of applied rotation and sagnac effect, a phase difference between two propagated beams is occurred that the greater phase difference so the beter detection of the interference fringe is done. The greater the rotation angle and the greater the length sides of the laser gyroscope and the lower wavelength the greater phase difference is occurred and consequently the detection is done better. The main goal of this research is study the effect of these factors by using ABCD matrix and simulation of the interference fringes. Results show that the longer the length sides, leads to riser peak of the interference intensity and the greater the rotation angle, the greater number of interference fringes in center of the wall and thus the higher the sensitivity of the device and also the lower wavelength, the clearer fringes are obtained.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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