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Yadollahi F, Safaiee R, Golshan M M. Effect of Temperature on the Temporal Behavior of Entanglement between Photonic Binomial Distribution and a Two-Level Atom in a Damping Cavity . ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2017; 23 :157-160
Abstract:   (2782 Views)

In the present report, temporal behavior of entanglement between a photonic binomial distribution and a two-level atom in a leaky cavity, in equilibrium with the environment at a temperature T, is studied. In this regard, the master equation is solved in the secular approximation for the density matrix, when the initial photonic distribution is binomial. The atom-photon density matrix so calculated is then used to compute the negativity, as a measure of entanglement. The behavior of entanglement is, consequently, determined as functions of time and temperature. Our results, along with representative figures reveal that the atom-photon degree of entanglement exhibits oscillations while decaying with time and asymptotically vanishes. It is further demonstrated that an increase in the temperature results a decrease in the entanglement.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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