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Pakarzadeh H. Parametric amplification in zero-dispersion wavelength decreasing photonic crystal fibers. ICOP & ICPET _ INPC _ ICOFS 2014; 20 :181-184
Shiraz University of Technology
Abstract:   (5545 Views)
In this paper, we investigate for the first time the parametric amplification in photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) with a continuously-decreasing zero-dispersion wavelength along their length. The use of these tapered fibers leads to the reduction of the length required for obtaining a high gain. Results show that although the gain is significantly increased, the gain bandwidth in such tapered PCFs is much narrower in comparison with that of un-tapered PCFs. Also, the gain flatness is quickly decreased with the increase of the input pump power.
Full-Text [PDF 474 kb]   (1470 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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